• kismattrust2020@gmail.com, foundation@kismattrust.org
  • +91 8804301097


Kismat Trust recognises its duty to be as effective and efficient as possible and to be accountable to all our stakeholders. Our aim is to take full responsibility for the way we work, the decisions we make, and the impact we have.

How We Are Financed

Our life-changing work to advance children’s rights and equality for girls is only possible thanks to our many supporters, both individual, corporate and institutional. Without that support, we would be unable to support lasting changes for children and communities.

Keeping Children And Young People Safe

Kismat Trust recognises that violence against children and young peoaple is prevalent throughout the world and in all societies. We are deeply committed to eradicating violence against children and young people and take very seriously our duty to safeguard all children and young people and promote their welfare.

Workplace Culture

Kismat Trust is committed to fostering a positive working environment for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Anti-racism At Kismat Trust

Our vision is for an organisation where all individuals in all their diversity, including their racial and ethnic identity, feel safe, respected, included and valued.