• kismattrust2020@gmail.com, foundation@kismattrust.org
  • +91 8804301097

About Us


Our Organisation

Founded in 2020, Kismat Trust is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners.

Our Purpose

We strive for a just India that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

We engage people and partners to:

Empower children, young people and communities to make vital changes that tackle the root causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability.

Drive change in practice and policy at local, national and global levels through our reach, experience and knowledge of the realities children face.

Work with children and communities to prepare for and respond to crises and to overcome adversity.

Support the safe and successful progression of children from birth to adulthood.

We work towards our purpose through our programmes and influencing approach.

Our Purpose

Water Delivery

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Medicine Help

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Save Plants

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We Build & Create

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Our Strategy and Ambition

To fulfil the promise of the 2030 Global Goals, our 5-year Global Strategy is designed to deliver significant change for girls and boys, putting a special emphasis on gender equality.

We see clear links between fulfilling children’s rights, achieving gender equality and ending child poverty. Every girl and boy has the right to be healthy, educated, protected, valued and respected in their own community and beyond.

We support these rights from when children are born to when they reach adulthood. We work to ensure that girls and boys know their rights, and have the skills, knowledge and confidence to fulfil them. This approach inspires and empowers children and communities to create long-lasting change.

Girls have the power to change the world. Our ambition is to work beside them and together we take action so 100 million girls learn, lead, decide and thrive.

Our global advocacy work not only focuses on Kismat Trust policy but also ensures national governments can meaningfully implement and uphold laws that advance children’s rights and gender equality at community level.

How We Work

We have worked with children, young people and communities for over 2 years and are committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable and excluded children while supporting children’s rights and gender equality.

We aim not only to improve the daily lives of girls but also to advance their position and value in society, whilst actively working with boys and young men to champion gender equality.

We believe in advancing children’s rights in all contexts, including during conflict and emergencies, where girls are faced with additional dangers.

Our programmes deliver lasting change against discriminatory norms, policies and laws. We listen to the voices of children in the community, especially girls whose views and needs are frequently overlooked, to ensure that our work is relevant and effective.

We work to strengthen the capacities of governments and encourage them to meet their obligations towards child protection and fulfilling children’s rights. We form effective partnerships to address the systemic and structural causes of child rights violations and inequality, and support other humanitarian groups in order to extend our reach beyond the communities we work in.

We embolden young people to become active drivers of change by educating them on their rights and supporting their activism.

Our work is

Gender Transformative


Active in all contexts

Active at all levels – from local to global

Achieved in partnership with other groups

Accountable to children and communities where we work, and to our partners, and informed by children’s voices, especially girls

Our Mission


We believe that we can save more lifes with you.

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Our strategic priorities up to 2020 are:

  • Protecting charities from abuse or mismanagement
  • Enabling trustees to run their charities effectively
  • Encouraging greater transparency and accountability
Join With Us
Our work is:

Thank you to our
wonderful volunteers

Years of Foundation
monthly donors
incredible volunteers
successful campains

Trusted by the
biggest brand.

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Programmes And Influencing

Children in Saran in Bihar and Rourkela in Orissa.

The world is changing and so we. In 2020 Kismat Trust adopted. adopted a new organisational purpose, theory of change and strategy that stretch our global ambition to contribute to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. We have put gender equality and the persistent development challenges that girls are facing right at the heart of our organisational purpose.

We have grown from being child-centred and community-focused to recognising that we must also impact young people over 18 years of age, work at multiple levels and be active across humanitarian and development contexts. We know that we must partner with and influence a wide range of players to catalyse sustainable, transformative change at scale, from local to global levels.

Our Primary Impact Groups

We are committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of the most vulnerable and excluded children while creating greater equality for girls. Our purpose thus concerns two intersecting primary impact groups:

Vulnerable and excluded children, and

Girls in particular.

Girls are a particularly important impact group for us. Gender inequality compounds all forms of exclusion, making the effects of exclusion different and often worse for girls and women.
Kismat Trust is committed to supporting children into adulthood. Some young people may require support to fully enjoy and exercise their rights as adults. This means that our work may directly impact young people up to 24 years old.

Dimensions of change

Achieving lasting improvements in the lives of girls and boys depends on the environment in which they live and how this enables them to realise their rights. We can best contribute to more enabling environments by triggering change in three interdependent and interconnected dimensions:

By influencing social norms – particularly harmful gender norms – and related attitudes and behaviours.

By strengthening people’s personal, social and economic assets and safety nets.

By contributing to better policies, legislation, budgets and government services at various levels that affect children’s and particularly girls’ lives.

Our commitments

All of our work is grounded in human rights principles. We adopt strong, clear positions on, and actively support, human rights. We stand with human rights defenders and work with others to contribute to child rights and gender equality monitoring and reporting.

The normative framework for our work in all contexts is provided by:

  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
  • The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
  • Kismat Trust humanitarian law and the standards and principles enshrined there in.


In spite of this framework, we know that girls are often invisible in core conventions. Girls’ rights are often subsumed into either the ageless category of “women”, or the gender-neutral category of “children”, “adolescents”, or “youth”. We draw attention to this by using the term “girls’ rights”. Because girls are so invisible, more must be done to address discrimination against them and to redress the inequalities they endure.

There are many forms of inequality and exclusion and they vary from place to place. But everywhere we work there exists some form of gender-based discrimination, gender stereotyping and an unequal distribution of power between women and men, girls and boys and other genders.  Robust evidence demonstrates that gender equality is beneficial for girls and boys, women and men, and for society as a whole. Adopting a gender transformative approach ensures that our work results in positive changes and sustainable outcomes for girls and young women, and for society more broadly. Working proactively with boys and young men to champion gender equality is part of this approach.  A gender transformative approach goes beyond addressing “symptoms” to explicitly tackle the root causes of gender inequality, particularly unequal gender power relations, discriminatory social norms and systems, structures, policies and practices. It improves the daily condition of girls while advancing their position and value in society.

Being open and accountable is one of our core values. We ensure that we report openly and transparently about what we do – on both our successes and failures – and about how we use the resources entrusted to us. We commit to using these resources responsibly in order to generate the greatest sustainable outcomes.
Wherever we work, we consider carefully whether and how we can add value to local development efforts. We listen to children and communities, and ensure that we apply the highest standards for keeping children, other people and the environment safe whenever we, or our associates, interact with them. 

Plan Kismat Trust is outward-looking. We recognise that we cannot achieve sustainable development outcomes by working alone. Key to this is building relationships with a variety of organisations, institutions, corporates and other actors that influence the changes we are seeking. 
We pay particular attention to partnerships with organisations of children and young people. Based on an understanding of other stakeholders and on the knowledge of our own strengths and limitations, we develop strategic relationships to enhance our reach, influence and capability at all levels.

In development, fragile and conflict-affected settings, we help to realise the rights of children and young people, and aim to add value to their lives through targeted responses. Following core humanitarian principles and standards, our emergency interventions deliver immediate life-saving assistance and protection to children and their communities affected by natural disasters or conflict. 
Our overall response or protracted crises programme plans have a gender transformative ambition. Even in the most acute emergencies all our projects will endeavour to identify and respond to the specific vulnerabilities and needs of girls and young women.
Our development work focuses on empowering children and their communities to tackle the underlying causes of poverty and to create lasting positive change. Our work increases the resilience of children, young people and particularly girls. Using an integrated development and humanitarian approach, we help them to overcome the multiple risks that they face.

Our experience has taught us that working at and across all levels – locally, nationally, regionally and globally – is key to bringing the changes that we are seeking. We recognise that the situations of children and girls, in particular, depend on many factors that transcend local borders. This can be a force for good – for instance, new media can help to trigger change at scale rapidly and across continents and cultures, magnifying the reach and power of individuals.
Building on our experience at local levels, we use our presence at multiple levels to forge long-term relationships that help us to further our programme and influence goals.


We believe that our vision can be achieved even more effectively by working with others.

Working with global partners, local partners, youth groups and consortium and alliances means we combine our expertise to advance children’s rights and equality for girls.

  • We strive for lasting impact;
  • We are open and accountable;
  • We work well together; and
  • We are inclusive and empowering.
  • Strengthen civil society so that there is a conducive environment for children’s rights and gender equality.
  • Influence policy makers and the general public more effectively or appropriately.
  • Enable governments to provide appropriate services for children and young people.
  • Resource our work – the resources could be financial, human or knowledge.
  • Implement work that we are not able to do or that is not appropriate for us to implement ourselves.
  • Enable us to innovate.
  • Respond quickly to humanitarian crises.
  • Expand our reach and maximise collective impact.
  • Agencies
  • The Private Sector
  • Civil Society
  • Organisations
  • Youth Organisations
  • Networks, Coalitions And Alliances

Digital Development

We apply technology for social, economic and political development with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable children, especially girls.


Embracing experimentation and risk to develop innovative and bold approaches, products and services.

Gender Lens Investing

Working with entrepreneurs to drive gender equality. With more than 80 years’ experience working alongside communities in developing countries, Kismat Trust is bringing its gender expertise, strong local partnerships and broad geographic presence to the gender lens investing market.